Get To Know Coach - Scott Reid Boyertown Youth Football - GTKC Episode #1

Get To Know Coach - Scott Reid Boyertown Youth Football - GTKC Episode #1

Welcome to the kickoff edition of our ongoing content series called “Get To Know Coach.” Before we dive into the article itself, I thought it maybe a better idea to explain the purpose of these small Q&A sessions we will be holding on a regular basis. 

The objective of these interviews is to give participants of sports at all levels along with people within the community a little glimpse of their coach on a more casual level, humanize the person on the sidelines with the clipboard if you will.  We also want to call out and recognize these people who season after season put countless hours into helping athletes be not just better at their respective sport, but better off the field too. There was a College Basketball coach by the name of John Wooden who famously said “ A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life.”  We at Bleacher Yeti love that sentiment and so we are doing our small part to recognize the coaches who are changing lives year after year. 


In our first edition of GTKC we didn't roam too far from home to tap a quick Q&A with Boyertown Optimist 6th Grade RED Football Coach Scott Reid.


Coach: Scott Reid

Age: 55

Hometown : Norristown

Occupation : Machinist 

Hobbies: Trail riding ATV’s and side by sides, Fishing, RC cars and KLOT Eagles Tailgating. 

Favorite Sports Team : No surprise E-A-G-L-E-S


Coach Reid is entering his 4th year within Boyertown’s youth football program. When asked what drew him into coaching, his honest answer was the “lack of volunteers.” Youth sports are always in need of folks within the community that are willing to give up their time and energy to step up and coach younger athletes, Reid understood this early on and wanted to be a positive influence on these players. But while his initial reasoning for coaching may have been more practical in filling a need, anyone who has witnessed him coaching knows he thoroughly enjoys it. So much so, after the fall season of Optimist Football is over he pivots right into coaching many of the same players in an organized flag football league. 

Coaching can leave you with a lot of fond memories and when asked what his most memorable moment has been in coaching, his response was one that doesn't require you to be a coach to understand….; “the pure joy on my sons face when he scored his first touchdown” 

Being a coach in almost any capacity is a lot about lessons, I spoke about it in the opening of this article where I reference the impact on life off the field that many coaches have on their players. In many cases these life lessons are intentional, meaning most good coaches want to impart bigger elements of education to their players beyond x’s and o’s. So I asked Scott what he hoped his players have taken away as life lessons from him. “Team work, I want my players to be uplifting and encouraging to their teammates on and off the field.” 

My last question to Coach Reid was to in one word describe his coaching style or personality. Without hesitation, his response was “passionate” and in full disclosure I know Coach Scott personally and passionate is probably what most people would assign to him as well. 

Thats it on Coach Reid we hope you enjoyed our first GTKC and if you’re a coach or know a coach who would like to participate, we would love to share your story with the community.You can reach out to us at  We will be circling back to Boyertown 6th Grade Football for a special Piggy Bowl edition that will feature Team Black HC Andrew Weil in the GTKC spotlight. Till then check back often as we get to know coaches from around the community and don’t forget to gear up for game day with the! 

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